Architecture is an art that allows the architect’s personality to be expressed it is, after all, one of seven arts. It’s a collection of various arts. Architecture is the science and art of drawing. It involves the creation of a building project, its exterior and interior design, and the placement of its systems according to regulations.
The definition of architecture can vary depending on who you ask. If you ask someone without any connection to architecture, they will say that architecture is just the design process of a building. But if you ask an architectural professional, their answer will be more comprehensive and include that architecture is the art form and way you express yourself on sketches and construction.Architecture is not just about creating art. The way an architect builds things can have a huge impact on the lives of many people.
An architect must not only know how to design and build buildings but also where and how to integrate them into the surrounding environment. Architecture is more than just the art of designing buildings or other types of structures. It’s also about the placement and integration of the buildings with their surroundings.
Reflections of great architects
Marcus Vitruvius Architecture is the art and craft of building
“A bicycle shed can be considered a building, while Lincoln Cathedral is an architectural work” Nikolaus Pvsner
“Architecture is the inevitable arts, we are constantly in constant contact with it. We cannot avoid contemplating sculptures, paintings or any other works of art except architecture. It influences us continuously and shapes our behavior and conditions our mind” Richard Leland
Only a small portion of architecture can be included in the art world: memorial and funerary monuments. Adolf Loos
Architecture encompasses all of the physical environment surrounding human life. It is not possible to escape it so long as we live in civilization. Architecture is the result of modifications and alterations made to the land to meet human needs. William Morris
Architecture as technique
Technique is, essentially, a way to do something, and it’s not like science, philosophy, or arts. Therefore, technique defines humanity.
Architecture is a technical dimension that places it at the edge of the arts. It requires programming to execute.
It all begins.
Architecture is born out of a need for or a problem that requires change.
Architecture is not a utopian phenomenon. It is closely connected to the place and understood as a support system and active component that influences the relationships between things.