Walter Adolph Gropius was a German architect and educator, founder of the Bauhaus School, combining the Academy of Fine Arts with the School of Crafts. He also became chairman of the department of architecture at Harvard University after moving to Massachusetts.


Gropius along with Ludwig Mies van der Rohe, Le Corbusier and Frank Lloyd Wright is regarded as one of the masters of modernist architecture, even if his architecture doesn’t have the aesthetic fascination that the rest do. He also worked with the first two mentioned arquitects in his early years.


His habit of wearing a beret with a business suit was perhaps symbolic of the two worlds he hoped to bridge, “the gap between the rigid mentality of the businessman and technologist and the imagination of the creative artist.






There is 2 quotes I would like to highlight:

If your contribution has been vital there will always be somebody to pick up where you left off, and that will be your claim to immortality.

Walter Gropius

Specialists are people who always repeat the same mistakes.

Walter Gropius

The first quote can be summarised in the word “legacy” as if your work or contribution has been important enough you will leave a legacy that keeps working on what you have been working on, this not only applies in architecture style, it can be applied in so many other works, from science to art it still has the same emaning. Basically I think this quote is very diverse and true.

The second quote I don’t agree with as much as the first one. I see this quote as him wanting more crativity in everything and not having specialists is what amkes innovation and crativity. I don’t agree because some things don’t have to be more creative if they are a fact, specialists are necessary to have the base on wich you work your creativity.



Quiero ser arquitecto

The fragment from Alberto Campo Baeza really shows how passionate he is about architecture, even if he basically glorifies Madrids university and tells you to work as soon as possible.

I don’t quite agree on everything he says, especially if he tries to make an analogy that isn’t true for me, the part he talks about how you go up stairs in pairs but you would never go down them in pairs, I do both, I go up stairs in pairs and I have the coordination to go down them in pairs meybe even more if I’m in a big hurr, it is true a building shouldn’t be done that quickly but me being able to do what he said no one should even think about makes me wonder if there is certain people that can do a building from start to finish three times as fast.

I don’t see myself reflected with his way of showing architecture as his way of showing off his passion that way doesn’t feel like something I would feel.

However the text is very inspiring and hwo he presents hard work is something to reflect and look forward to doing the architecture career

