The space i’ve chosen is my home’s terrace. It’s a terrace in a small town in the province of Valencia, the view isn’t the best but it’s what i have gotten used to especially because the view is only part of what makes it so special.

This terrace has a trampline wich I used to use quite a lot when i was a little younger and in summer whe bring out a big parasol a table and some chairs to make a nice dining place especially if u take into account the nice plants my mom has all aroud the place. Also in summer when we have guests, especially young ones we also bring out an inflatable mini swimming pool to refresh them and they ejoy it quite a lot.

Why did you choose this place?

I chose this place because its has been a big part of my life, it’s in my home what can I say, Even if its not the prettiest terrace or the biggest or the most well equipped it still holds memories and that’s what makes it important to me

What makes you comfortable?

This space allows me to relax even when there is people around because of how I’m used to it and how many nice memories it has, even when I feel stressed I can come here and feel comfortable and relaxed. Even if that is hard I can just go inside and the first room is where I do exercise

There is some disruptive element?

Yes, the terrace is actually located next to a conjuntion so traffic is sometimes disruptive and makes the view a little diffrent, but you get used to in in some time.

Do you think you’d feel the same way in another space right now?

Not really, thsi space has a big amount of memories wich cannot be transfered into any other space, that’s a big part fo what makes it so special.

Do you think that the conditions of this space influence its occupants?

Yes, however it can be changed because this terrace has been painted. The terrace isn’t very pretty but we’ve done the best we can, part of why I’d like to be an architect is because I would like to reform this terrace and make it the best I can.


I would sat the aesthetic part is important and influentia in my opinion, because people enjoy looking at pretty things and I’d say it is also relaxing, not looking at complex structures or anything of the sort, just a simple and pretty terrace. Thats

Would you change anything?

From the past? No. From now? Yes, everything to make it look great for the reasons I’ve mentioned before